Archive for March, 2011
Samsung’s new tablets make it about the OS.
For a while Samsung has been teasing us all with the 78910 tagline for its unboxing yesterday. There was a lot of speculation about what it meant, but the general consensus was that it stood for a 7”, 8.9”, and 10” tablet lineup. That turned out to be right. On a side note, did you […]
Read moreStartup lets you keep your day job!
Two of my friends just started a new startup called KickoffLabs. If you have an idea but need to keep your day job because you’re homeless adverse, then KickoffLabs is working on a way to help. Mr. Watermasysk and Mr. Ledgard are seasoned technology professionals, especially in the social realm. I had the pleasure of […]
Read moreGoogle and Sprint show each other some Nexus 4G Love
After a big weekend announcement that pretty much puts a stake through the heart of affordable data plans and smart phones, Sprint unveiled the Nexus 4G, the WiMax enabled pure Android phone that’s coming to their network. With AT&T taking over T-Mobile, Google needs a carrier that’s outside the iPhone marketing machine. Thus, with today’s […]
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