Find Audiobooks for Dream Player
This page is for locating MP3 Audiobooks for use in Dream Player for Android. This page is updated as new resources are located. Feel free to link to this page.
If you have an Android device and provide a link to this page on your website, please let us know!
Remember: When downloading audiobooks, you can avoid any data charges by using Wifi. Some can be several hundred megabytes in size! Dream Player does not actually download audiobooks. You can download audiobooks with your PC.
Our MP3 Audiobook Store(s)
If you want to buy an audiobook, please buy it from one of the links in this section. We would be most grateful for your support.
Dream Player MP3 Audiobook Store.
MP3 Audiobooks from
Exhaustive Amazon Audiobook Series list!
Here are some audiobook genres in MP3 format for you to browse from the Spoken Network.
Arts and Drama | Crime & Thrillers |
Click here for the entire selection
If you have audiobooks on a CD and would like to listen to them, here are some instructions on how to convert them to MP3.
Free Audiobook Resources
Most of these sites lack mobile friendly web pages. So if you wish, you might want to change your browser’s user agent to render them properly.
Librivox has one of the largest selections of volunteer created audiobooks online! You can download audiobooks and you can create audiobooks. Volunteer to help create audiobooks for books that are in the public domain. It benefits other users and the visually impaired.
Here’s a snapshot of all the genres available for free at
Adventure | Literature |
An extensive collection of audiobooks can be found here. This site also sells CDs and thumb drives containing numerous audiobooks.
This site has a small collection of audiobooks you can download directly in MP3 format.
Here’s the human read audiobooks on the Gutenberg project. This page is fairly large so it may take a while to load.
They have a mobile friendly site here: However, locating the audiobooks on this page can be quite difficult.
Here are some quick links to assist you:
Human Read in last 30 days, last 7 days, and last 24 hours.
This site has some free audiobooks and links to other audiobooks. Be careful, though! They link to audible, which is a terrific website for audiobooks, but all of their audiobooks only play in the audible player. Dream Player cannot play audiobooks downloaded from Audible or other audiobook publishers that force you to use their player.
This site has a reasonably good selection of free audiobooks you can download with a pretty good breakdown by genre.
Podcasts are list audio websites. You can get software that will download podcasts for you automatically. These will save the MP3 files which you can transfer over to your Android device for listening.
You can use Google Listen for FREE to download podcasts.
If you have a recommendation for an Android podcast app that will download the MP3s, let me know!
The Education Podcast Network has podcasts in MP3 format. I recommend using your PC to get these and transferring them over to your Android device.
An extensive list of searchable podcasts. Not exactly Android friendly, though.
Mix your own podcasts. Lots of content to choose from.
This is a really cool site where books are delivered like podcasts..
New Fiction is like Podiobooks. They have iSoaps you can get.