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iTunes’ Ping full of tasty spam…
Apple’s road to social dominance is hindered by potholes full of mushy, salty, meat-stuff goodness. The Sophos blog says a bunch of spam links are pouring into Ping. Apple has had some issues rolling out updates lately. They had issues with Facebook Connect, policy issues, and reported problems for international access. The spam is showing […]
Read moreNASA Images available on Flickr!
Sweet. Having grown up wanting to be an astronaut, I’m a fan almost all things NASA. Well, NASA has put three compilations of historic images up on Flickr. There, you can see some great images and even use them in your blog. The images are available via, but now the images are also located […]
Read moreThe $5 e-commerce experiment–Videos
What would you do for $5? There’s a website called where people post what they’ll do for $5. You can participate too. Here are some videos of people doing things for only $5. Yep – a list of 5 things you get for $5 online. Which would you choose? I like the puppet show! […]
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