07 Jul 2011

Top 10 Reasons why we’re a nook family

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imageSo I bought my wife a Nook Touch this morning. She’s out running errands right now and it’s sitting there charging. I can’t wait for her to find it when she gets home and see it sitting on top of her nook color.

I can’t wait for her to get it because one of her favorite things to do during this horrendous heat wave has been to get a glass of wine, settle into a shady bench in the pool, and read her nook color. It’s something she really enjoys so she can get the most out of that experience.  Being married to me, you know she deserves it.  The Nook Color’s screen is readable outside, but not easily so.

I like the Kindle (a lot) , but we’ve become a nook family for a couple of reasons. I’m not trying to start any sort of holy war – to each their own. For me and mine, though, here’s a quick top 10 list of the reasons why we are currently happy nook customers.
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06 Jul 2011

How I got into Google+ early and am in love with it.

Casual Interest, News No Comments

So Google+ initially was just another Google beta that only Googlers and their high-school friends had access to. I didn’t know much about it nor had I heard anything earth shattering. I remembered Google Buzz and my disappointment with what it was and how I used it.  It never really became the email replacement it was hyped to be.  Google Wave wasn’t much of a success.


So Google+ slipped out onto the Internet.

Then, LifeHacker posted a Google+ invite thread to Facebook.  So I went over to the thread and got swept up I the enthusiasm of trying to get invites. I registered on LifeHacker and posted but because I had just signed up I couldn’t get in. People were posting that they were in, then people would reply with their email. The whole point of the thread was to give a forum for people to pay it forward.

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24 Jun 2011

Sprint is showing some customer love and will allow removal of pre-installed apps on Android phones.

Mobile, News 1 Comment

The HTC EVO 3D, like most smartphones, comes with pre-installed apps. Some users may like these apps while others may despise them. Generally, however, the customer is stuck with them.  Yesterday, people started noticing that these pre-installed apps could be uninstalled.

Traditionally, to rid these apps off your phone, you’d need to gain root level access to the phone’s operating system (referred to as “rooting” your phone).  Rooting your Android phone allows you customize many features of your phone and do thing that are not generally allowed by the carrier. Some people abuse rooting to copy software or turn their phone into a Wi-Fi hotspot without paying for the ability to do so.

Thus, only “rooted” users could uninstall these apps.

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